How to Backup Your 3D Blu-Rays

Firstly; this is information on how to extract your legally bought copy of 3D movies so you can play them on devices that do not use optical media (e.g. a VR headset). I do not condone piracy. Whether you want to make a backup, or to convert it to a more usable format, 3D movies … Read more

Using SSH as a mini-VPN

Sometimes you need a way to get in to a system that is not accessible publicly, and for whatever reason, you can’t use a full VPN. This is a good time for the connectivity Swiss-Army-Knife, and your best friend, ssh and, if available, its companion autossh. And for you Windows people, I mean ssh, not … Read more

To reset your password timeout in Windows

It’s particularly irritating when security people who have a limited grasp of security set password rules in your domain that force you to change your password way too frequently. It’s even worse when it remembers a history of passwords that you cannot reuse. I am not condoning never changing your password, but a very complex/long … Read more