Setting up OATH 2FA Authentication on Linux

It seems like everywhere you log in these days wants you to use some kind of 2 factor (multi-factor) authentication. The most common one you will have likely seen is the OATH time based code generation where you use an authenticator app to generate codes that cycle every 30 seconds. Well, it turns out you … Read more

Using SSH as a mini-VPN

Sometimes you need a way to get in to a system that is not accessible publicly, and for whatever reason, you can’t use a full VPN. This is a good time for the connectivity Swiss-Army-Knife, and your best friend, ssh and, if available, its companion autossh. And for you Windows people, I mean ssh, not … Read more

Blocking pizzaseo querying clients

While I was updating some settings with my bind server on Ubuntu 20, I noticed a lot of queries for “”, which appears to be some kind of marketing company trying to scrape for data. On reading out in forums about it, apparently they’re looking for vulnerable pi-hole servers that are exposed to the internet. … Read more

Sending a stream to multiple outputs

I was looking for a way to compare compression ratios with different algorithms, and didn’t want to have to run them in serial. So I started digging and found a nice bash syntax that allows you to do just that. And just for fun, it calculates the sha checksum as well. curl -s | … Read more

Creating a Linux Console Font

A while back, I found a nice TrueType font that mimicked the old DEC terminals. It was made by taking the ROMs of a DEC VT220, and creating the TTF font based on that data. It occurred to me that it would also make a really great replacement for the linux console font, where it … Read more